Mutant Test Review

mutant test review

Mutant Test has been around for a few years by now and we thought it was about time that we reviewed this powerful supplement to see how it stacks up to the competition.

Marketed as a Bioactive Test supplement it comes along with some rather large claims such as being able to boost testosterone by 376% in just 12 hours. These claims stem from some limited small scale studies over very short periods of time and as most data can be interpreted in many different ways I wouldn’t let this sway you in any way.

Instead it is better to look at the ingredients and compare them to other supplements on the market and see if they really is something that stands out.

Mutant Test review by Users

Firstly, like most of the other T boosters available this product claims to be a powerful anabolic formula that will;

  • Build muscle / aid muscle growth
  • Boost testosterone
  • Encourage strength gains

So let’s delve in and see what the Mutant team have given us.

Mutant Test Ingredients

There are actually two versions of Mutant Test booster around and unlike some manufacturer’s Mutant have given us the full breakdown of all their constituents.

The Original – Version 1

mutant test ingredients originalContaining six targeted ingredients the original version of Mutant Test was a powerful T-enhancer. This was mainly due to the massive 3000mg of DAA in each capsule.

Backed up by 1000mg of Tribulus and 500mg of Testosurge (a proprietary Fenugreek extract) you’ll find these ingredients very similar to other booster blends and well known for their effectiveness.

Finally there is also an inhibiting aromatase enzyme helps prevent body fat gain through keeping Estrogen levels reduced.

Bioperine is a black pepper extract added to enhance absorption of the other ingredients and is commonly used throughout the supplement industry.

New & Improved for 2014- Version 2

mutant test ingredientsHalf way through 2014 there was a major overhaul of the complete formula. Although the TestoSurge remained away went the aromatic inhibitor, D-Asparic Acid and Tribulus. These components were replaced with 3000mg of MacaTest.

Together Maca and the extracts in Testosurge have been clinically shown to out perform DAA and Tribulus. Another benefit is that Maca, a Peruvian root, also eliminates the need for the aromatase inhibitor as it can also lower estrogen production.

This was fairly big change to the recipe but basically the packaging for the new product hasn’t changed a great deal from the old one. It does say ‘New & Improved’ on the front label but you are better advised to check the nutrition information on the back to make sure that you’re getting the latest formula.

Mutant Test Dosage

There may be 180 capsules in each bottle but you actually need to take six each day so you’re only getting a months supply in each container.

Each morning take 6 pills on an empty stomach and wash them down with a glass of water.

Side Effects

Reported side effects are thankfully very few. The main one seems to be nausea from having to take so many pills on an empty stomach.  There is also the chance of allergic reactions due to the dairy and nut components.

Bodybuilding and Mutant Test Cycling

If you get the original Mutant Test formula then you’re probably better off stacking it with a stimulant to go you some extra energy during your workouts. This will help you with building lean muscle during your cutting phase.

Generally it is advised to take this supplement for eight weeks as most users will not see the full effect until the four week point. This product should be cycled so take a 4 week break after the first 8 weeks of use.

 The Good

  • Has one of the highest concentrations of T-Boosting ingredients on the market
  • Only have to take this mutant testosterone booster one time a day. No more carrying it around with you all day so that you have it for each meal

The ingredients say it all. The first formula was well received so it’ll be nice to see how the new improved one works. In-house trials suggest that it’ll be even better but time will tell.

The Bad

  • Taking 6 capsules at a time takes some getting used to
  • There are some fillers added to this capsules
  • No money back Guarantee

Just a few minor gripes about this product. Nothing really big. At least the manufacturer is transparent and honest about all the ingredients in the capsules but most T-boosters in this price range normally come with some sort of warranty. Saying that there is no indication online that any buyers have had a need to return this product.

mutant test booster reviewMutant Test for Sale Online

You can normally buy Mutant Test online through various distributors and retailers or in a local supplements store.

You may have some trouble getting hold Mutant Test during the transition from the original recipe over to the new formula as shops restock.

Expect to pay around $50 and up for a months supply.

 What we Really Think

Some users notice an improvement in testosterone levels as soon as the first day. Of course you’re not going to be able to check this unless you have a blood test down your local clinic, but you may feel less lethargic and more focused quickly.

With similar ingredients to other top enhancers you can expect to see similar results. The first version had one of the highest amounts of DAA in it. Whether this extra grammage actually makes much difference in the real world remains to be seen but with a change in recipe this is now mute.

Unlike PrimeMale or TestoFuel there is no cash back guarantee on your purchase which is a little disappointing but if you’ve had testosterone boosters work for you before then I don;t see an issue with this assuming that you can pick it up at a lower price.

Until the new version has been tested thoroughly and we see some real user reviews it may be best to go with one of our other top testosterone boosters.

Do you have your own mutant test supplement review that you’d like to share with us?

*Review updated November 2014 to reference new formula.


  1. wayne

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